S: 09.08.17

I was sitting on the floor of my kitchen when I saw a small spider. I hurriedly killed it with my hands. Then, more spiders started appearing, and they were coming in increasingly larger sizes. At one point I gave up because I was so scared and I climbed up on the kitchen table to escape. I shouted for my mum to help me and she was able to exterminate most of them. As I sat on the kitchen table, I felt something in my mouth that was uncomfortable, like something was stuck in my teeth. I pulled out a loose thread in between my teeth. Then I kept pulling out these fine strings from my mouth. It was a quite painful, but a manageable level of pain. After I pulled out quite a number of strings, I rushed to the mirror to check what was happening. I received a horrible shock. The bottom row of teeth was in a terrible state. They were abnormally long and thin – and way too many, maybe 50 teeth in a row??? And they were loose and shaky, maybe even on the brink of falling out, as if the strings that I pulled out were the very things that were keeping them in place. I wanted to cry at the sight. I tried to close my mouth but it was hard to.